Monday, November 17, 2008

i look like my dad

I wrote this entry yesterday on my LJ and wanted to share it here:

". . . but if the storms don't cease
and if the winds keep on blowing in my life;
my soul has been anchored in the lord. . . "

i heard this song today and cried.
i called my mom and told her to tune to the radio station to hear "my daddy's" song. i remember my daddy singing this song. i have a video of my daddy singing this song.

my daddy's voice was full, deep, strong, and full of power. the person was the same way. he passed some of that on to me. i have my daddy's hair, his skin, his glasses, his big hands. he gave me a voice, strong and thick and beautiful. i have his want of truth. of knowledge. i have his smarts. i analyze just like he did. my mom says i think too much, like my daddy. . . i question all the time. which i am sure he did. at the same time i have faith that i know he had.

this song came from nowhere! today, for me, it was a way of connecting with my daddy. i know my brain, thoughts, situations are all over the place, but it was a nudge and assurance that i know where my anchor holds. . .

thank you, daddy.

i'm gonna learn that song and one day, i will do that thing that natalie cole did to sing "unforgettable" with her dad. . .


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